Desiree Brown

Room No: 17

Spiritual Synergy LLC
Tampa, FL

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Clearing Your Soul™ with a Jáde Process® session. Sign up for a 15 or 30 minute session to optimize your Energy Field. Jáde Process®. What does this include? * everything from before soul creation to the current lifetime, all lifetimes and experiences in between, and future learning and experiences * charkas, meridians, auric body field, energetic bodily systems, organs, glands, dna, cells and more * energies you are holding from past and other lifetime and experiences (the baggage we are carrying in our Energy Field) * our connections with soul family, ancestors, and others * vitamins, supplements, minerals, enzymes, etc. * telomeres, genes, dna, cellular components * devices, structures, matrices, fields * trauma and other patterns that are limiting you * openings and cracks in the Energy Field - we want to make sure you are not picking up energies from others * downloads and education for you on multiple levels - Soul, Aspect, and Hologram * Elevate all members of your Guidance (your Angels and Guides - yes, this is part of your session) * Etheric Surgeons and Spiritual Physicians on board to assist your Guidance to upgrade and optimize your Energy Field


June 10-11, 2023

Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-6

Florida State Fairgrounds- Florida Center East,
4800 US Hwy 301 N

Admission $12


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